lørdag den 7. december 2013

2 days left, bacon and doughnuts

hello blogger.

Now there's only two days left so i want to make a short recap of some of the things which was spectacular/not so spectacular about this trip, and of some of the things i haven't quite been around, like the school life and the two last weeks since my last update.

i'll start with my most recent memory, the portland trip, costing 80 dollars, but definitively worth it. we arrived after 4 hours of bus at a big mall (can't remember the name), where there where plenty of shops, filling up three floors with an icing ring in the middle. We were there for three hours, where i didn't buy anything even though some guys from class said that i should buy a leather jacket for myself, but it looked like i had a beer-stomach, so didn't want to. I got some McDonalds for lunch, but beside that it was not the best mall i've been to over here.

After that we got to the Hilton hotel, which was grandious, extremely big and quite exquisite. In the lobby there was a big christmas tree and a big stair with roses and other flowers on the side of the stairs. Beside that there was a big pool and general lobby. We were at the pool for about 3 hours in the evening, but i couldn't swim for most of the time because of my leg hurting. We were also seeing the big christmas tree in the middle of the city.

we walked around town that evening and found a candy shop where i got a million dollar peppermint chocolate and a soda with the taste of smores. The chocolate was a lot better than anything i've tasted for quite a while, but the soda not so much. We had some McDonalds and went home.

In the night we stayed at Hilton, where me and my friends was playing a game called "Settlers of catan", which we played for 3-4 hours, even though it should only be a 1-2 hour game. we did that in the middle of the lobby of the Hilton hotel, which seemed crazy, we got plenty of people going over to us and saw that we just played Settlers, some of them have even played the game themselves (even though there was one woman who said "it's okay to be special").

This morning i got doughnuts for breakfast, i think i ate 3-4 of them and felt quite bad afterwards. We generally got a lot of doughtnuts or alike for breakfast. we also got breakfast burgers, which was also quite good. the foods over here is more sugary than anything else, it's not because they're that fat as i would've expected, but it might be because i lived with an asian family, since i got mostly rice and chicken.

lørdag den 9. november 2013

5 weeks gone, still good

Now four or five weeks have gone and they've been good, a lot has happened, and i'll try explaining what exactly happened.
The last thing which happened at my last post was our second trip to Seattle, now i've been there thrice, and personally i think the first time was best and this last time was almost as good. This time we saw the EMP museum on a thursday, since it was supposed to be free on thursdays, that museum is one of the best museums i've ever been to, it has a music creating area, where you can try some of the general instruments and even create your own song, which i did with some of the other guys from the class. beside that it was a lovely museum with a part of it only about Jimmy Hendrix and Nirvana, both is from the Seattle area, and you could see how the grunge from the 90's was created with nirvana, and how Hendrix got his fame, not only in the US but also in the UK where he was most famous (atleast in the start). you could hear songs like "smells like teen spirit" and  "all apologies" through the aisles of famous guitars and alike. and you could hear Jimmy's famous guitar riffs and alike in his part, and still now i think that's fantastic music, even though it was 50 years ago he was really popular. 

In the other parts of the museum was there fantasy, horror, more music and science fiction, you could see the daleks which was everywhere, they even had a lifesize version of the daleks, which is from the "doctor who" series, besides that in the science fiction part was both a green screen and many of the costumes from different tv series like "star trek" and film series like "the matrix", and a light saber from "star wars", it's generally one of the most amazing things i've seen about science fiction. 

There was the fantasy part of the museum with all kinds of things from famous fantasy films like "narnia", "harry potter" and alike, they had the original versions of things like the wand of the ice witch from Narnia, the head from one of the minotaurs from the same series, and a lot of other things, which was all the originals, and a tv showns as through a flying bugs eyes, with interviews about the narnia films. Long story short, they liked narnia. and there was also pictures and alike of the general creatures and personas which you meet in fantasy films and books.

then finally there was the horror part of the museum, which had famous items from different films like "the shining" and "aliens", and had a lot of interview halls of what famous people in the horror industry talks about famous horror movies from 1960-now and how they've changed the horror scene, and which movies has been some of the best, like "the excorcist" or alike. They also had a big gift shop, which was just fantastic, they had t-shirts with nirvana, daleks, green day and a lot of other things, not everything related to the EMP, but much of it was related to either music or sci fy (which is the main parts of EMP). It was insane, there was stuff like the "Harry Potter" quidditch glasses, and special editions of "the hobbit" and simpler stuff like ofcourse t-shirts and cd's.

Last sunday i was at a football game, here we're not talking about the best sport in the world, european football, but the american "false" version. Even though it was the false football, it was still one of the most amazing things i've ever seen with any sport, this stadium was enormous, and the noise was incredible, we were ofcourse helping making more noise as the Seahawks took on the buccaneers, in what could easily be called an exciting game! The Seathawks had the worst start of all time (just about) and was 21-0 back in the second quarter (the second out of four quarters), and ended the half 21-7, this means that they still had a 14 point deficit to climb, at the point of 21-0 i felt like just walking away. seriously. Second half convinsed me why you should stay in these sports events, they turned it to 21-14 with a touchdown in the start of second half, then buccaneers got a field goal (3 points) and was 24-14 then, then in the last quarter seahawks got a touchdown and a fieldgoal to which they proceeded to overtime, where they won with a field goal, final score 27-24 to seahawks. I think this made the experience of the seahawks game so much better, since it was so close. they also had some fantastic caramelised popcorn, sounds horific, but was not bad at all. besides that i got a really bad headache which i carried on the next three days, it was a fantastic day, and was nice seeing so many people (just about 67000 people at the stadium), but very noisy (it's the most noisy stadium in the US!!).

One day we were at wallace falls, a hiking trip, where me and some of my friends were out climbing on rocks and alike just moments from death, oh that sounds a bit extreme, but was all fun and games, no problems aty all, and was fun seeing how many in the class knew how to climb those rocks, this was outside the hiking route, and not sure if we could do it really, but we got fantastic pictures of it and was regarded as some of the most fun we've had since we got over here since it was all running around and such and just talking with eachother during this trip. We were also at some sultns bakery that day, and i got probably the best chocolate cake i've ever had, but think it would've been better if i also had some ice to it.

Beside ll of these special experiences i've tried some lesser things, like bowling, pizza, buffets, food in general, i have some coconot juice beside me (taste quite bad to be honest) and just the american lifestyle really, it's so much different, but one thing is just about the same, school takes a lot of your time!
these last couple of weeks we've been quite presured and have not done as much as we'd like to do of fun stuff like going to downtown and alike, because we have a lot of homework, a lot of quizzes and some assignments too, it's not all fun and games, when you have a day like last tuesday with 4 assignments, 2 quizzes and some extra homework if you'd like it. it is hard when you on top of that eat out many days and often gets home after 7 or 8 in the evening, but it's fun, we experience so much and have a lot of abstract conversations in both danish and english which i think i've never had before, and some like abstract things in our subjects too, like the derirative and how lenses work, but that's all what we do at school. Oh yeah, we play the pool too!

torsdag den 17. oktober 2013

17th october 2013:
It's now been two weeks since i came battered into the unknown land called the US, and i kind of like it. The USA is very different from Denmark, which i will talk about later, right now i'll focus on what i've experienced in these two weeks, and what i've seen of the american culture and of their landmarks.

First of all: the flight! The flight to here was two hours to amsterdam and then 9 hours or so to SEATAC, the southern airport of seattle. This did not feel like 11 hours total, rather 24 maybe, which was also the total amount of time i was awake that day, atleast in danish time. We arrived at 4pm (16 o' clock) in the afternoon, and went to Edmonds Community College to meet our host parents, and then get transported home by our host parent just two minutes after arrival at the college. That was when i met Romalyn, Jerome, Jaelyn and Jazlyn, a family of four that i until then only have seen as letters on a paper. i used almost all evening talking to them and the other exchange student and his girlfriend, Alex and Tracy from Hong Kong, where we had our initial meeting.

They all seemed nice and they still do, so we talked for quite a bit that first evening. In the morning i was driven to EDCC (edmonds community college), where we had to get our bus passes and just some general information. after this we were driven down to the Alderwood mall, a "medium sized mall" for america atleast, it was probably as big as the biggest danish mall, and my host mom, romalyn, said that it was medium size, it wasn't really that big, this was one of the first encounters i had with the difference in the size over here, but definitely not the last.

Here we saw a lot of different stores, mostly footlocker and some sports shops, and getting our cell phones working (which wasn't cheap at all...). I've been to these shops afterwards and have used way too many money on those shops in alderwood mall, mostly because of the small eating plse called "the blazing onion", which makes the best burgers i've ever tasted, and is generally extremely good, even though the food is not in the least fat free, there's a lot of fat in those burgers, but the place is nice, the food is good, and you have free refill of both fries and soda, which me and my friends used really well, by sitting in there for like 3 hours one day, and have multiple times sat in there for 1 hour plus.

After that we had a whole weekend in front of us, to talk to the family and such, but was mostly used to overcome the extreme jetlag i had in those days, i woke up at 4-5 am both days, after going to bed at 11 pm, so i was staying in bed for some time after that. But other than that it was pretty uneventful.

Started the school out monday morning, and that was also quite uneventful, but will speak of the school system on a later point so will leave it at that. tuesday we were at Alderwood again, just for the sake of it, and was pretty good, bought some new nike shoes from footlocker for 110 bucks, and found a fantastic place to shop clothes, american eagle, which is where half of the clothes i'm wearing right now is from! That was really good and just the style of my whole class (of the boys atleast) exept for one, who just seem to hate shopping clothes or anything for that matter, and is only buying food really.

oh, forgot a thing from the weekend, already our second day in lynnwood we had a day out of lynnwood, in downtown Seattle, with around 12-14 others from the class, where we were on the ride "ride the ducks", which was nothing less than brilliant! the duck driver (captain soslo) was just extremely funny, and was telling puns and jokes about the area, and made all of us say cha-ching each time we passed a starbucks and made us do the harlem shake at the end, with an unicorn mask for a guy from our class, it was just fun!

after that we took to the Pike place market, but we didn't see that much beyond the flying fish show (a special show they have in a fish place in the market), or some of the many souvenirs that you can get from the city of Seattle, both for sports and something like shot glasses with the space needle attraction in the middle. and all other kinds of nice things.

Apart from that we saw niketown and just the astounding parks and alike in downtown Seattle, it's not called the emerald city for nothings, there's many parks, even in the middle of all these gigantic buildings, and they provide a great view of the city of Seattle, which i might put some pictures up of. exept for that we just went home with the 515 bus, and just directly home to bed.

We were in Seattle again that friday, because we had it scheduled with class there, and the other trip was just something we guys (and a few girls) took. This time we were in the space needle to see the magnificent view of Seattle. The only problem was that it rained that exact day, haven't really rained much over here yet, but it rained that day, and that made the view not as good as expected.

Apart from that i've made good friends with Alex, who i'm often playing pool with either here back home or at school, so i actually talk to some of the students from other countries, some which is also his friends. I often meet other student, not only from USA, who i talk to just randomly, i just talked to some random guys at the busstop for like 30 minutes, just because we had some of the same interest, and was just funny to see how easily they will talk to you here in the USA, i could never do that in a bus, it's just common knowledge in denmark that you do not talk with random people on the bus, but you generally do that all the time here in the USA.

will come back to say something more later, but this is what i had to say for now, see ya'll

mandag den 30. september 2013

Hello, i'm Lukas!

I'm Lukas, a boy of 18, in a few days I'll have a trip to Seattle, this trip is with my school, and it takes two months, we're leaving this thursday, the third of October, and comes home the fourth of December.
This trip we'll be going from Billund over Amsterdam to the amazing city of Seattle, where we'll see a lot of the stuff in Seattle, e.g. the space needle and the future of flight, i'm looking forward to seeing all of this, and will tell you about it in the next two months!