lørdag den 7. december 2013

2 days left, bacon and doughnuts

hello blogger.

Now there's only two days left so i want to make a short recap of some of the things which was spectacular/not so spectacular about this trip, and of some of the things i haven't quite been around, like the school life and the two last weeks since my last update.

i'll start with my most recent memory, the portland trip, costing 80 dollars, but definitively worth it. we arrived after 4 hours of bus at a big mall (can't remember the name), where there where plenty of shops, filling up three floors with an icing ring in the middle. We were there for three hours, where i didn't buy anything even though some guys from class said that i should buy a leather jacket for myself, but it looked like i had a beer-stomach, so didn't want to. I got some McDonalds for lunch, but beside that it was not the best mall i've been to over here.

After that we got to the Hilton hotel, which was grandious, extremely big and quite exquisite. In the lobby there was a big christmas tree and a big stair with roses and other flowers on the side of the stairs. Beside that there was a big pool and general lobby. We were at the pool for about 3 hours in the evening, but i couldn't swim for most of the time because of my leg hurting. We were also seeing the big christmas tree in the middle of the city.

we walked around town that evening and found a candy shop where i got a million dollar peppermint chocolate and a soda with the taste of smores. The chocolate was a lot better than anything i've tasted for quite a while, but the soda not so much. We had some McDonalds and went home.

In the night we stayed at Hilton, where me and my friends was playing a game called "Settlers of catan", which we played for 3-4 hours, even though it should only be a 1-2 hour game. we did that in the middle of the lobby of the Hilton hotel, which seemed crazy, we got plenty of people going over to us and saw that we just played Settlers, some of them have even played the game themselves (even though there was one woman who said "it's okay to be special").

This morning i got doughnuts for breakfast, i think i ate 3-4 of them and felt quite bad afterwards. We generally got a lot of doughtnuts or alike for breakfast. we also got breakfast burgers, which was also quite good. the foods over here is more sugary than anything else, it's not because they're that fat as i would've expected, but it might be because i lived with an asian family, since i got mostly rice and chicken.

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